
Welcome to my page. I am Jose Luis Bravo, a lecturer of Universidad de Extremadura at Facultad de Ciencias.


My fields of specialization are Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems. I mainly work on problems related to Hilbert 16th which involves the study of the number and configuration of periodic solutions of planar systems of differential equations.

In this line, my main interest is the study of the periodic solutions of the Abel-like first-order ordinary differential equations, thus x'=p(t,x), where p is a polinomial in x with coefficients 1-periodic with respect to t.

I am a member of the research group Genorma, and of the the network DANCE.

I colaborate with the kinetics and dynamics group gcydex, and with a project to study micrometeorology in Antarctica. There is a weekly blog describing the experience: Diario de campaña (in Spanish).

I am an advisor of AGROBOT, a firm which has developed a robotic strawberry harvester.

Contact information

Address: Departamento de Matemáticas
Avda. de Elvas s/n
06006 Badajoz (Spain)

Office: C28

e-mail: trinidad (