Member of the editorial board of the following journals

The Scientific World Journal Impact Factor 1.730
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability Impact factor 0.775

Referee for the following journals

European Journal of Operational Research (7 papers)
International Journal of Systems Science (6 papers)
IEEE Transactions on Reliability (6 papers)
Journal of Risk and Reliability (4 papers)
Applied Mathematical Modelling (4 papers)
Communications in Statistics: Stochastic Models (2 papers)
The Scientific World Journal (2 papers)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering (2 papers)
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (1 paper)
Journal of Mathematical Sciences (1 paper)
Mathematical and Computer Modelling (1 paper)
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering (1 paper)
Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science (1 paper)
Computers and Mathematics with Applications (1 paper)
Asian Pacific Journal of Operational Research (1 paper)
Applied Mathematics and Computations (1 paper)
International Journal of Production Economics (1 paper)
Naval Research Logistics (1 paper)
Operational Research: An International Journal (1 paper)
Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods (1 paper)
International Journal of Reliability and Safety (1 paper)
The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (1 paper)
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (1 paper)
Computers and Industrial Engineering (1 paper)