El próximo miércoles 23 de octubre en el aula C3A del Departamento de Matemáticas, Edificio Carlos Benítez, en la Facultad de Ciencias en Badajoz, el investigador invitado Antonio Piscopo de la Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Universitá degli Studi di Napoli Federico II impartirá la conferencia titulada «Stochastic Models for Bathtub Shaped Degradation Rate Phenomena» dentro del Colloquium del Departamento.

Resumen: This seminar delves into stochastic degradation models that are capable of describing degrading phenomena with a bathtub shaped degradation rate function, here intended as the derivative of the mean degradation function. Typically, real world degradation processes present three phases: a first phase where the degradation rate function decreases, a second phase where it is almost constant, and a third phase where it increases. These three phases are usually referred to as accommodation phase, steady state (or normal) phase, and degenerative (or catastrophic) phase, respectively. In this seminar we will explore how the Wiener, the Gamma, and the Inverse Gaussian processes can be tailored to model this three-phase degradation behaviors. The presentation will highlight methods to  estimate these  models to use them for predicting the remaining useful life of degrading units, and to identify the location of change points—that is, the instant of time in which the process shifts to the catastrophic phase.